Monday 30 September 2019

Just do it

If you want to achieve or complete something in our short life's then just go out and start doing it; start learning how to do it and do it. I have a uncanny ability to get shit done, but I am also extremely "lazy" and selective as to what I want to put my effort into. That is probably why I appear to be lazy, i just haven't found something to put my energy into, consistently. I used to make real money off of Minecraft when I was just a wee child. I used to put effort into learning python, I used to do different things.

I am going to start doing more things. I feel like cancelling my TV/media subscriptions (except spotify) because I feel like all I do is watch things. I am going to start learning Unreal Engine 4 again, I am going to begin learning python again, and I am going to go to the gym. I've recently bought the python humble bundle which has given me some good resources to begin python again. I am going to re watch and finish the unreal engine 4 tutorials I began but never finished.

I don't want to be stuck doing a job that I don't particularly actually like, or can't develop my full potential. I have some thinking to do as to what I want to do for a career, because right now I don't really know what I want to do. I have some ideas and a broad goal of what I want to achieve, but nothing specific. I want my own company; doing anything really, but I'd prefer it to be technology/game/software design related. To achieve this I need to build up my skills and develop a portfolio of what I' capable of.

I seriously need to start saving money. But i barely make any money at all so I need to get a better job. I will start putting even more effort into finding a job, but I'm not going to take a job like McDonald's. I have some dignity.

I need to do so many things in life but there's so little time. I need to live life to the fullest. And right now I am definitely not doing that. I can change but it has to be right now, this day, this moment.

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